Monday, June 8, 2015

On Our Way!

"Come, my friends,
T'is not too late to seek a newer world...
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
-Alfred Lord Tennyson, Ulysses

Much as the famed heroes of ancient Greece ventured far from home in pursuit of glory and adventure, soon we, too, will cast off the bow lines, leaving behind familiar environs for far-flung foreign shores as part of Ashley Hall's own "Modern Odyssey." As we sit now in the Charlotte airport awaiting departure, we hope with happy hearts to be granted favor from those Olympians on high, whose names Homer taught us so well. We wish for the winged blessings of Hermes to usher us safely through the heavens to our final destination, the strong-willed auspices of Athena and Zeus to guide us wisely through the many wonders that await, and the inspiration of the Muses to widen our hearts and eyes so that we can fully appreciate these moments of beauty as they come. Let the voyage begin!

Feedback from the Populous:
Stella says she is excited about, "the food, the views, the rush, and the adventures!"
Sophie is excited about, "bonding with the teachers, learning something new, and experiencing a new culture."
Mrs. Webb is excited about "The Parthenon and going across the Isthmus of Corinth on the wine-dark sea." 
Corte is excited about "the islands and the food."
Ms. Adams is excited to "see the girls enjoy everything in Greece for the first time."

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